It’s the last day of September, and when I got out of bed this morning, I decided that I would use the last day of each month to review my own findings on my weight loss journey. By re-reading my 16 previous blogs this month, I was able to reinforce things that I already kind of knew but didn’t want to face and re-visit things that I would not have ever known about, if I hadn’t decided to join Weight Watchers again.
Here’s how September looks to me:
My refrigerator isn’t my enemy.
As much as I would like to blame anyone but myself for messing around with its contents, I have learned to stock it full of better food choices and meet up with it when I am actually hungry.
Portion control is and will continue to be my toughest challenge.
Learning to identify three or four ounces of meat, chicken or fish is done best by using my scale right now. What I thought was four ounces, before weighing it, turns out to be more like six or eight ounces. So, the scale will be used until my ability to judge portions improves. And, the added benefit is that you get a lot more servings out of a roast when you eat less of it each time.
Walking isn’t as bad as I thought.
I’m not turning into an athlete. I will be walking the three miles roundtrip to my Weight Watchers meetings and taking one additional walk each week. It’s a start.
Staying for the whole meeting is helpful.
How else would I be inspired by our leader, Claudette’s, words of encouragement and the group’s tales of how they are making it work for them. Whether it’s being “wowed” by the member who lost 130 pounds or feeling compassion for the one who has struggled to maintain her weight for one more week, there is always something to learn.
Giant fudge bars are great and have only one point.
No more needs to be said about this topic. Good thing I stayed for the whole meeting.
Weighing- in once a week is good for me.
It’s just enough involvement with a scale to tell me what I need to know without making me crazy.
Free food isn’t really free.
Whether it’s a coupon “deal” or a wedding buffet, just because the food seems plentiful and low/no cost, there always is a price to pay. I’d rather save the points.
Eating breakfast keeps me together until lunch.
I was a breakfast skipper, which made me a lunch/snack overeater. Not any more…breakfast is a very cool way to start my day.
Milestones should be celebrated.
Stars are awarded for milestones at our meeting. Nothing stops us from setting up a reward system for ourselves when we achieve important goals on our journey. I will be patting myself on the back and buying myself a little something special for every 10 pounds lost.
Having someone say they are proud of me makes me smile.
I write this blog to help me be accountable. The more people who are “in the know” about my journey, the more excited I am about reaching my goal. And, to have someone I care about say that they are proud of me is the icing on the cake.
My final thought is this. My husband and his friends use the expression, “it’s not a sprint, but a marathon” quite a bit, and I think that it applies to my desire to lose weight. I used to be in a hurry to get the weight off, but I clearly didn’t pick up enough lessons to keep it off. This time, I’m taking my time and savoring each lesson along the way.
Talk to you soon.
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