When I visit my sister, we have a tradition of going to breakfast at the wonderful Griddle Café, in Hollywood. Famous for hundreds of varieties of pancakes, French toast and other goodies, I begin salivating as we drive towards our destination.
Today, was that day. Before leaving the house this morning, I remembered the discussion we had at Tuesday’s meeting, led by Scott, on the point count of pancakes versus waffles. What Scott didn’t factor in is the size of a Griddle Café pancake.
Coming in at 10” in diameter, it is a pancake on steroids. A “normal” order has three of them, which no human being can really finish without a food-induced coma. But they will sell just one. And if you travel with my sister, you get to split the one pancake in half.
So, she and I split a fresh raspberry and lemon pancake. She used the butter and the real maple syrup because she is skinny. I savored every bit of my pancake without those added points because the pancake stood its own.
Add the French press coffee to this picture, and you know how I spent the first part of my day. And, I’m still awake.
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Talk to you soon.
I absolutely LOVE pancakes. They are one of my MANY weaknesses! You did good holding off on the syrup and butter. I wouldn't have been so self-restraint. Good job!