Tuesday, July 27, 2010

If it's Tuesday, it must be...

It’s just like a yo-yo…up and down, up and down.  I’m referring to my weight loss journey.  This was the up week and I gained .8 pounds.  I don’t get concerned about it, but I do get a bit annoyed, as I want to keep chipping away to get to my goal.  It’s coming, but it’s coming at its own pace.

Yesterday, I watched my weekly episode of the Joy Fit Club on the Today Show.  That’s the ongoing series starring folks who have lost a lot of weight.  The featured man had lost 218 pounds over 4.5 years and did it on Weight Watchers.  I was pleased to see that he took his time getting healthy again.  It wasn’t an overnight, quick fix method, and he seems like he is never going to weigh 418 pounds, his starting weight, again.

At our Weight Watchers meeting today, we shared stories about snacks.  We paired up and compared our three favorite snacks and that gave all of us ideas for new ones.  There are so many one and two point choices that are filling and fun to eat that there is really no excuse to eat the stuff that all of us know got us into Weight Watchers in the first place.

I’m heading into the kitchen now to choose a snack from the Novato Farmers’ Market selection.  If it’s Tuesday, it’s not only Weight Watchers but also the weekly Farmers’ Market, and we got some great looking nectarines, organic strawberries, raspberries and corn.  I don’t think I’m going to snack on the corn, although it’s only one point.  I see a nectarine in my future.

Talk to you soon.

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