Thursday, August 12, 2010

Another night at Duffy's

The last evening that I was in Florida, which was on Monday, we went out to dinner at Duffy’s Sports Bar.  It’s the same place we went the last time I visited, but that time we went on a Tuesday evening, which always features the turkey dinner special.

On Mondays, it’s any entrée for $9.95.  I had to see it to believe it.  The place was jammed, and my dad says it always is on Mondays because of the deal.  I perused the menu and double- checked to make sure that every single entrée, despite the price it started out, turned into $9.95. 

It was clear that I had to have the New York steak, which was $18.99 on the other six days of the week. I had to get the best deal out of all the deals.  When it arrived, with a baked potato and an ear of corn, I immediately cut the steak in half and boxed one half for the “to go” portion. 

I enjoyed the meal and enjoyed the price tag even more.  Although I left the next morning and didn’t get to eat the boxed portion, I knew I left it in good hands back in my dad’s refrigerator.  I’ll have to check and see if he got at least $4.98 worth of pleasure out of another Duffy’s special.

Talk to you soon.

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