Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's a miracle...suit

What do you do the day before Thanksgiving. Order bathing suits, of course. How’s that for a gutsy move!

The background to this story goes something like this. On October 12, 2006, I bought my latest bathing suit. How would anyone know exactly when he or she purchased anything, you might ask? This one is easy to remember because I was on Maui, renewing my wedding vows with 25 of our family members and friends. I owned one bathing suit when I arrived, and it was so old and “pilled” that it was an embarrassment. But, it fit, and I thought it would all work out with a jaunty cover-up.

That was until it began to come apart, literally, at the seams. So, I went into the hotel bathing suit store, which was really to amuse myself since nobody my size can buy clothing in one of those places, to look around and I saw it. A black bathing suit that was in my size stuck in among the sale items.

Clearly, this bathing suit had fallen out of an airplane en route to Samoa, where the plus- size woman is celebrated. I have often thought of moving there just to fit in better. But back to my story.

I bought the suit and have been wearing it ever since. When I went to Florida a couple of weeks ago, I put on the suit. It never exactly fit because the suit’s cups and my bust didn’t see eye to eye…the suit was bigger. Now, in addition to the original problem, because I have lost weight, you could fit me and a couple of melons into that suit. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the “pilling’ is back. But what should I expect from a suit that I wore for three years and almost full –time during the summer months.

So, this morning, the kind folks at Nordstom sent me an email informing me that items were 50% off, shipping was free and there they were…two Miraclesuits with my name on them. Yes, it was a bold move to place the order because I bought suits that are two sizes smaller than my “melon suit,” but that shows you how confident I am that when my next occasion to wear the suits comes up, I’ll be ready. And, that is in February when my family is heading out on the largest cruise ship in the world, the new Oasis of the Seas. Imagine that trifecta of the smaller sized suits, a week of cruising and Weight Watchers!

You know me well enough now to know that I’ll make it work.

Talk to you soon.

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