Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving wishes

It’s the morning of. I’m heavily invested in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and having a bit of nostalgia as I used to live on Central Park West, which is the parade route. My older son, Erik, my daughter-in-law, Amanda and my grandson, Matt are in Manhattan visiting Amanda’s mom, and I believe that they may be somewhere in the crowd for Matt’s first Thanksgiving.

I have spoken to my dad in Florida, my son, Alex, who is in Boston with his friends, and my sister, Jill, in Los Angeles. Everyone is in prep mode for the big eating event. Football, for my husband, and the Dog Show, for me, is queued up with Mr. TIVO.

And now, it’s time to get ready for our Thanksgiving dinner with friends. I have planned my own “eating route” and will be in good shape as I move through the day. Hidden in my purse are my point appropriate “rations” to bridge any gaps in food accessibility that exceed four hours. I also plan to take a walk after the meal and hope that I'll find a few folks interested in joining me. If not, I'm happy to be a solo act.

I send all of you the very best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving and appreciate all of your support and kindness.

Talk to you soon.

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