Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dinner for 14

It’s been a busy few days, and this evening was the wrap-up of a fun-filled weekend.  It was movie club time again, and it was held at our house.  There are seven couples in movie club and we meet every other month.  So, our house pops up once a year, and we chose July so that we could entertain outdoors.

The host couple picks the movie and announces it to the group about a month before the group meets.  Then, each couple goes to see the movie, whenever they want to, and on the night of the meeting, we review it.  The host provides the main course…and the alcohol, and the attendees bring the potluck side dishes, salads and dessert. 

We decided to grill tri-tip, and we were pleased to receive baked beans, a fruit salad, a pasta salad, a mango salad, and of course, dessert.  One of the members celebrated his birthday yesterday, so dessert was a birthday cake.

I chose to clean up some of the dishes during the eating of the cake.  It was Boston cream pie, the birthday boy’s favorite.  It’s actually one of the very few pies that I don’t go crazy for, so it was easy to bypass it.

Now, all that remains of our dinner for fourteen is the clean up.  Yuk…I’ll do it tomorrow.

Talk to you soon.

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