Tuesday, August 17, 2010

No ghosts at my celebration

Weigh-in day number 48.  Yes, it’s the 48th week, and I’m pleased to report that I have lost a total of 31.8 pounds, and .8 of it was captured in today’s weigh-in. 

Every now and then, I check my starting weight and the weigh-in weight to make sure that the subtraction along the way was done correctly.  The women who weigh us in have lots going on and every once and a while, a mistake is made.  I knew that something was off in my total because I was told that I had lost 32 pounds. 

In the interest of accuracy as I approach the 50th week milestone, I had to have it corrected.  By spot -checking, I saw that I had to have lost an amount that ended with a part of a pound.  I was hoping that I was going to find out that it was more than 32 pounds.  It ended up .2 less. 

That’s okay.  Not knowing how much I really have lost is the equivalent of not tracking all the points in everything I eat.  Eventually, it will come back to haunt me.  I don't need any ghosts celebrating with me at my 50th week anniversary of joining Weight Watchers.

Talk to you soon.

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